The upcoming story arc of "Dragon Ball Super" is just around the corner and after long months of waiting, Toei Animation is up to releasing it, which is set to kick off next week. The Universal Survival saga extended trailer has been shared on YouTube, which showcases brand new promo for the arc and new footages from the highly anticipated saga.
Fighters such as Vegeta are seen in the new video trailer of "Dragon Ball Super" story arc fighting against fearsome enemies. Goku is also seen fighting against a gnarly wolf looking warrior and as the trailer progresses, more of the Universe 7 warriors as Z-fighters also make an appearance such as Chaozu, Tenshinhan, Master Roshi, Android 18, Krillin and more.
Hercules is also seen giving a friendly shoulder rub to Mr. Buu while Gohan and Videl are also watching over their newborn daughter closely. "Dragon Ball Super" story arc is set to premiere with the Universal Survival saga on Feb. 5, according to Comic Book. The new 15-second promo also features Cabba, a famous Saiyan with roots from Universe 6 and going Super Saiyan versus a huge pink fighter from an unidentified universe.
The trailer for "Dragon Ball Super" story arc also shows a young lady going into a rage and turns into a female Saiyan looking like Broly and a pink elephant from Universe 10 also appeArs in the trailer while a red-nosed clown is watching over the others. The rest of the clip of the trailer showcases other characters such as High Priest, Zen-Oh, Chama, Beerus as well as the rest of the Universe Gods of Destruction.
Moreover, Kiyoshi Hikawa sings the Universal Survival Arc new theme song Gentaki Toppa x Survivor, which is the first anime song project of the enka singer, according to a report. The Universal Survival Arc will be aired on Crunchyroll at 7:15 PM CST. Check out the trailer below!
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