The acclaimed anime "Dragon Ball Super" will bring in brand new storyline seeing Son Goku and a team of fighters standing for their universe in an enormous martial arts tournament. Heroes such as Gohan, Vegeta, Krillin among others are joining the Saiyan and if you are one of those fans looking forward to seeing the two Android characters again, there are details about them that will surely get you thrilled.
Dragon Ball Park Monthly's most recent issue shows a brand new image of the two Androids in "Dragon Ball Super" where Android 17, the stubborn Android is sporting his traditional haircut although he has changed his costume to jeans, work boots and a long-sleeve shirt. The hard-hitting girl Android 18 looks deceiving in her adorable pink track suit but she certainly has enough power to put your lights out.
Android 17 continues to live his life peacefully while working in a huge nature park as a park ranger and married to a zoologist with a number of children who will be joining Goku's team of warriors in an attempt to protect his universe in "Dragon Ball Super." Android 18 on the other hand, has been real busy taking care of his little family - with her daughter and husband Krillin although she has not gone soft despite her domestic life.
According to the magazine, the heroine has also learned a number of new moves such as a combination attack, which tags in her brother and husband. The "Dragon Ball Super" story arc is set to start in February with the Universal Survival saga, reports Comic Book.
Reports also say that new characters from Universal Survival Arc have been revealed such as a Survival Arena, New God of Destruction and Angel Pair, which YonkuoProductions tweeted the first look at the new characters that are also penned by Akira Toriyama. "Dragon Ball Super" airs at 7:15 PM on Crunchyroll Saturdays and Toonami starts airing its English dub on Adult Swim on Saturdays at 11:30 PM.
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