DICE's recent post revealed a ton of details regarding the latest "Battlefield 1" DLC, "They Shall Not Pass". Pictures and descriptions promise a wealth of new content, such as four brand new maps to explore, a new elite class, a new game mode and more. Although new infantry weapons are an expected part of the content, no information or details regarding them was released.
'Chauchat' Machine Gun To Join Infantry Weapon Line-Up? VG24/7 expects more information regarding the new weapons will be released soon enough. For the time being, fans will have to make due with educated guesses and speculations.
However, YouTube user Westie points out that there's a high chance the "Chauchat" machine gun is likely to make the list. Aside from the fact that it was standard issue for the French army during World War 1, the soldier depicted in the artwork for the French army is holding one.
The same YouTube user also listed off other weapons that are historically accurate and may yet make it to the game. He mentioned the Lebel Model rifle, the RSC Model 1917, which he said would work very well for the medic class and the Ruby Pistol. While all highly plausible, only the "Chauchat" machine gun has been depicted in any official "Battlefield 1" artwork for "They Shall Not Pass" DLC.
Four New Maps. "Battlefield 1" is getting not just one but four brand new areas to explore, namely Verdun Heights, Fort de Vaux, Soissons and Rupture. Windows Central reported that the four new multiplayer maps are the centerpiece of the expansion and fans have to agree. Check out screenshots of each area here.
"Battlefield 1" "They Shall Not Pass" DLC also reveals "Frontlines", a new game mode that mixes Conquest and Rush with "tug of war" objectives. The DLC drops sometime March 2017 for PlayStation 4, Xbox Oneand Microsoft Windows. Those with the Premium Pass can access the maps two weeks early.
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