"Ultra Street Fighter 2: The Final Challengers" is an updated version of the classic "Street Fighter 2" for the Nintendo Switch developed by Capcom. The game was announced during the Nintendo Switch Event that was held on January 13. Here are interesting facts about the game according to IGN.

Capcom's Reason to Come Back to Street Fighter 2

Capcom was trying to figure out a way to bring a "Street Fighter" title to the hybrid console upon learning about the Nintendo Switch. However, instead of bringing "Street Fighter 5" to the Switch with a much complicated game system, Capcom ultimately decided to bring an updated version of "Street Fighter 2" and thought the game would be the right fit for the console as it caters to a wide audience of players. The game added new elements and two new characters to play, Evil Ryu and Violent Ken.

"Ultra Street Fighter 2" has Two Art Styles

The latest version of the "Street Fighter 2" will come with two different art styles. The first style is the original graphics used in "Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo." While the other uses the same HD graphics that was used in "Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix." By adding the retro-style graphics, it would bring a sense of nostalgia for players that played the original game during the 90's.

The game might come to other consoles

In an interview published by Siliconera, producer Yoshinori One stated that if this game sells well, they will consider bringing the game to other consoles besides the Nintendo Switch. He added that they have worked really hard in making this game enjoyable to play on the Nintendo console.

At this time, the game will only be available for the Nintendo Switch although no official announcement regarding its release has been made. What do you think of "Ultra Street Fighter 2" for the Nintendo Switch? Write and share your thoughts on the comments section down below.

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