The popular animated TV series, "South Park" will make its highly anticipated debut on next-gen gaming consoles with the announcement of the title "South Park: The Fractured But Whole" which will be released later this Spring.

"South Park: The Stick of Truth", which was released in 2014, had a resounding success that made its fans and gamers demand for the sequel to the RPG adventure. A medieval fantasy that saw Kyle, Stan, Kenny, Eric & Co. battle over the possession of the all-powerful wooden stick was featured on the previous title. With the new release, it will be apparently built around an all-out war between young superheroes.

According to reports, the "new kid in school" will once again be the main protagonist, whom is forced to decide and choose sides between Mysterion's group or Cartman's Coon and Friends. The Coon (Cartman), Mysterion (Kenny), Toolshed (Stan), Mint Berry Crunch (Bradley), Professor Chaos (Butters), The Human Kite (Kyle) and others would be the characters which would likely be very much familiar for the show's fans.

"South Park: The Fractured But Whole": Play As A Boy Or A Girl

With the previous edition, gamers will be able to decide whether the New Kid will be a boy or a girl. But with "South Park: The Fractured But Whole", as per Game Radar, the New Kid walks into his parents having an intercourse which triggers his "rebirth".

"South Park: The Fractured But Whole" was initially scheduled for an earlier release last Dec. 6, 2016 in the aftermath of the 20th season of the hit Comedy Central show which ended on Dec. 7, 2016. However, the creators of the show, Matt Stone and Trey Parker, had apparently made a request for an extension. They want to be able to write in some references from the recently-concluded season, which circled around Member Berries, Donald Trump's Presidency and Internet trolling and other hilarious sub-plots.

"South Park: The Fractured But Whole" is now slated for an estimated March 31 release. It reportedly has a price of $59.99, as per Amazon and other online retailers.

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