"Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4" is opening its new chapter through the "Road to Boruto" DLC. Bandai Namco is releasing this content expansion to the original game and Naruto's son is going to be its main focus.
Forbes stated that the coming DLC is unexpectedly good. This is because, the "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4" Road to Boruto update offers far better gameplay. And since the game will focus on Boruto, this expansion will also feature characters that has links to him like Sasuke and the older Naruto.
In the trailer which features highlights of the new DLC, Boruto was shown to be very strong. In fact, he can beat his dad with his combo fighting techniques. As displayed in the clip, he applied his Kote Science Ninja Weapon to release a water-based fighting strategy.
Furthermore, it was reported that once the "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4" Road to Boruto expansion is downloaded, gamers will have access to new moves,which they can learn and use when playing in the Free Battle mode. For the game story, it was said that it will be connected to the "Boruto: Naruto the Movie."
In any case, Bandai Namco Entertainment previously revealed that the "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4" will be the last installment. It was announced that the game will be the final chapter, but this does not mean that either Naruto or Boruto will disappear, because they can be featured again in future games.
As posted on Bandai Namco website, the game developer will unveil more details regarding the "Road to Boruto" expansion. They will also introduce playable characters prior to the scheduled release of the new content.
Finally, the "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4" Road to Boruto expansion pack will be available worldwide starting on Feb. 3. Bandai Namco is set to release three versions for different platforms including Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC version, which can be obtained on Steam.
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