The "Sons of Anarchy" spinoff series is set to begin production in a few months, but details about the cast members remain scarce. While the spinoff series titled, "Mayans MC" will be set after the death of Jax Teller, Charlie Hunnam recently shared his interest in reprising his role in the upcoming FX drama.

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"Sons of Anarchy" spinoff cast news reveals that fans and viewers may get their wish to see bad boy biker, Jackson 'Jax' Teller in "Mayans MC." In an interview with Charlie Hunnam, the actor expressed his interest in reprising his iconic role for the spinoff series, reports MailOnline.

"I'll do anything for Jax, I love that guy, but I think I'm dead," he said.

Hunnam shared that should the producers want him back for the "SOA" spinoff, he would be willing to return in a heartbeat. Of course, Jax will not be able to appear in "Mayans MC" as a regular character since his character died during the series finale that aired in 2014.

The "Sons of Anarchy" spinoff, therefore, may only feature Jax in "a little dream sequence." Many fans have been hoping to see Hunnam's character in the spinoff series, which will focus on the Mayan motorcycle club.

It is not entirely impossible to fit Hunnam into the "Sons of Anarchy" spinoff, especially when he shares a good relationship with the show's creator, Kurt Sutter. According to Comicbook, Sutter shared that he and Hunnam clashed while filming the FX drama, but it was due to the clashing of their ideas.

"I love Charlie," Sutter shared. "I think we're closer now than ever."

Sutter likened their disagreements to the way brothers disagree with one another. Sutter explained that their bantering on set helped make "Sons of Anarchy" better.

Do you think Charlie Hunnam should be in the "Sons of Anarchy" spinoff, "Mayans MC" as Jax Teller? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!

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