The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is fast approaching and the event may feature the official announcement of the Samsung Galaxy A 2017 series. In a recently released teaser photo for the new Galaxy A3, A5 and A7 phones hint on the addition of water resistance as one of its main features.
Samsung will soon be unveiling its Galaxy A 2017 series. While details about the series' launch are still being kept under wraps, a recently released teaser promo for the mobile phones is causing a ton of speculations.
As Phone Arena reports, the new Samsung Galaxy A series may feature water resistance, which was not included in its previous models. There were rumors that the Galaxy A7 2017 may feature dust- and water-resistance, but it looks like the lower models may also get these features based on the said teaser photo.
"It all begins with A," says the promo ad, while showing splashes of water at the bottom of the photo. "Hold your breath."
This made a lot of users excited, as many commented that the Galaxy A series would have been good if it were water and dust resistant. Many began wondering when would Samsung officially announce and launch the new Galaxy A smartphones.
According to GSM Arena, a user named Roland Quandt hinted on the possible Samsung Galaxy A 2017 series launch during the CSA. After all, it is the perfect event to launch their new smartphones since many are always on the lookout for new gadgets during the event.
Several reports also claim that the new Galaxy A series may be officially released in January, just weeks after the CES. It remains to be seen, however, whether or not the entire series will be water resistant or if only some of the smartphones in the series will bear this feature.
Are you excited for the launch of the Samsung Galaxy A 2017 series? What other features do you wish to see in it? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!
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