Since Sony announced of a "Final Fantasy 7" release back at the E3 2015 event, fans of the franchise have been eagerly anticipating for the title. Here are some exciting little-known details about the upcoming game that should provide some relief from the agony of what could be a long wait.

Development Began In December 2014

It has been a year and a half since the announcement of a remake yet there is no word from either Sony or developer Square Enix regarding a definite "Final Fantasy 7" remake release date. However, such silence is no cause for alarm as it is usual for Square Enix to spend years to develop a single title of the franchise. In fact, it was reported that "FF XV" took a full decade to develop. According to Gaming Bolt, the remake has been in development for some time before the announcement. Work began as far back as December of 2014 which means that the game is in development for two full years by this month, December 2016.

'FF VII' Remake To Come In Three Parts

Gamers could expect a lot of exciting action from the upcoming remake. Unlike the original, Square Enix decide to spice things up a bit by offering the title in three installments.

Since the game is now broken up into three parts, fans must ready themselves for some hopefully pleasant surprises. Of course, the segmentation is bound to affect the game's plot and storyline making it reasonable to expect that some aspects of the upcoming "Final Fantasy VII" remake might bear little or no resemblance to the original's plot. As pointed out by Gaming Bolt, it is going to be a remake and not a simple cosmetics enhancements of a remaster.

'FF VII' Remake Gameplay - Changes In Battle Systems

Gamers may expect changes to the gameplay of the upcoming "Final Fantasy 7" remake as compared to the original. While the original was a turn-based RPG game, the remake is expected to have more of an action RPG gameplay. The main difference as far as players are concerned is that there are no turns between hits.

In addition, there are speculations that the upcoming remake may not be open world. This could be the direction the Square Enix team could take as it would make the gameplay more immersive if the developers will focus on bringing in a more detailed environment as well as the effects of the player on it

Mini Games Would Still Be Featured

The original title contained a lot of minigames that players learned to love over time. Square Enix revealed that it plans to add the mini games to the remake as much as possible. What is unclear for now is whether all of the minigames are carried over to the remake or perhaps just some of it.

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