The "Dark Souls" franchise is one of the hardest games ever. Some players, however, like to take it to the next level. Someone has tried fighting one of the bosses in "Dark Souls 3" using only a DDR Dance Mat.

Twitch user Rudeism has streamed himself "git gud" on the dance floor, playing "Dark Souls 3" using a DDR pad. The streamer had to map the PS4 controller's directional buttons to the mat, while other necessary buttons, like attack and dodge, were assigned to other buttons.

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Rudeism challenged the Abyss Watchers boss, and had already died 289 times before even getting to the boss lair. He eventually succeeds two and a half hours later.

Prior to challenging the Abyss Watchers, Rudeism has already defeated other "Dark Souls 3" bosses like Crystal Sage and Curse-Rotted Greatwood using his dance pads.

The Twitch streamer is known for attempting crazy video game feats using his feet (no pun intended). In April, Rudeism attempted to reach level 100 in "World of Warcraft" using a dance pad, Polygon reported.

"I thought I was going to tire myself out by level 10, but I'm still going strong," Rudeism said during the stream.

Apart from the dance pad, Rudeism has also used a Guitar Hero controller for his game conquests, using the unlikely controller for FPS games like "Counter Strike: Global Offensive" and "Doom."

Rudeism also attempted to play other titles like "Surgeon Simulator 2013", using a Guitar Hero controller, with hilarious results.

The Twitch streamer thought of mixing things up by playing "World of Warcraft" using both dance pads and guitar controllers. "I could be like a dancing bard," he joked.

He has also attempted to play "Crash Bandicoot" while using a controller, which is normal enough, if he weren't blindfolded the whole time.

Rudeism's description on his Twitch account says "I play games wrong," and he could never be more right.

Catch him live on his Twitch channel, or view his past video game misadventures on his Youtube page.

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