Google is on a fast track as the year is ending. It has been reported that the tech giant has plans that will take messenger apps to the next level. 2016 looks to be a promising year for the company and they are set to reveal big plans that might be a game changer in today's tech-reliant world.

According to reports, Google has been secretly working on a messaging service that might be a bit similar and could be Facebook's WhatsApp competitor. Google VP of communications Nick Fox is said to be personally leading the group that is making the service possible.

There are also reports that this upcoming messenger will be powered by artificial intelligence. The team is also making use of the fact that Google has an in depth knowledge and experience in AI technology and machine learning, which would be able to understand commands and responds.

Google's version is said to be a bit similar to that of the social network's Facebook M. M is a virtual assistant service that is said to compete with Apple's Siri that runs on Facebook Messenger. It is powered by a team of human beings and by AI technology. It was recently tried and tested by beta testers in California.

While the tech giant has not released any official statement regarding the service, the reports has been making it clear that the upcoming messenger will be combining chat bots and a software that will answer a user's question within the app.

This could mean that apart from the usual exchanging of messages, users can also communicate with a chat bot which can search the internet for them and direct them to the website that they need.

During the previous years, Google has released and updated two messaging services - Hangouts and Messenger. However, both these services failed to catch up with the popularity of Facebook's WhatsApp and even fail to match the popular messaging service in China which is WeChat.

With the new plans in mind, the tech giant might finally match those messaging apps and might also be a pioneer in something that can change how the messaging services work.

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