HTC released its first quad-core smartphone, the HTC One X, at the Mobile World Congress, as expected. The phone is to be released in April and will be heading to the U.S. soon, but the U.S. will have a different version of the phone.
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Nokia Lumia 800 will reportedly launch in the U.S. market on Valentine's Day. But be prepared to dig deep into your pocket - it will be priced at $899.
Siri, the intelligent, voice-controlled assistant exclusive to the iPhone 4S, will reportedly support Chinese language from next month.
An iPad Mini, an Apple tablet with a screen size smaller than the regular iPad could launch as early as later this year and pose a threat to smaller tablets and large screen smartphones.
Nokia Lumia 910, the European variant of Lumia 900, which is heading to U.S., will sport a whopping 12-megapixel shooter.
Samsung has finally announced the specs of Galaxy S Advance, a mid-range smartphone that's expected to fit the spot between the original Galaxy S and the new Galaxy S II.
iPhone fans in Hong Kong will not get the shiny new device simply by standing in a line, thanks to Apple, which has launched a lottery system to weed out the scalpers.
Samsung's latest smartphone/tablet hybrid Galaxy Note is all set to hit the shelves of U.S. wireless carrier AT&T on Feb. 19. Online orders kick off on Feb. 5.