Registration for Ubisofts "For Honor" Closed beta are now open for interested individuals.
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In a survey for "The Division", a Battle Royale DLC may be coming up soon! "The Division" survey released by Ubisoft hints regarding a "Last Man Standing" or "Battle Royale" game mode to be released for the multiplayer game.
Valve GM, Gabe Newell will be holding a Reddit AMA on January 17, 2017 and answer "Half-Life 3" questions.
Titanfall 2 will get more exciting than ever with the arrival of the title's content update 2, adding some exciting new features.
There are rumors about a new faction coming to Tom Clancy's The Division via update 1.6. Despite the successful release of the "Tom Clancy's The Division" game, it also had a fair share of ups and downs.
Bethesda has been known for developing games a little longer compared to others, but the result of it is invaluable AAA titles. Five years after the fifth chapter of "The Elder Scrolls" series, the video game developer is still being silent if "The Elder Scrolls 6" will be in the works.
Destiny kicks off the Iron Banner week-long event, with lost of new gear and weapons for players to look forward to. Plus, Activision assures Destiny 2 will launch in 2017 as planned.
Kingdom Hearts 3 director Tetsuya Nomura talks about the new battle system in Kingdom Hearts 3 and Kingdom Hearts 2.8. He also touches on game development and new worlds.
Gun Media's "Friday the 13th" new game trailer shows how Jason could sneak up to innocent people and cause their demise.
"Overwatch" developer Blizzard has added health bars to spectator mode. This is the first of the major improvements the developers have announced.
“Ninja Gaiden” is expected to take a break as Team Ninja focuses on a new game called “Nioh.” The game is said to be inspired by the “Dark Souls” series.
Land vehicles, rivers and ATVs are likely to invade "No Man's Sky" through an update.
Explore Shivercliff as Matthew Palmer in the upcoming FPSP horror game "Husk." Gamers on the lookout for new horror titles for the PC should check out "Husk.