Sharp has unveiled its ICC Purios, a 64-inch Ultra HD TV that will only be made-to-order starting in February, and will cost about $31,400.
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Time magazine has released its annual list of the year's best gadgets for 2012; however, one gadget that is notably absent and did not make the cut was the best-selling Samsung Galaxy S3.
On Dec. 13 the Samsung Galaxy Camera will be getting a huge, and faster, upgrade for those interested in getting a data plan for one. Previously offered on AT&T's HSPA+ network, the Android-powered Samsung Galaxy Camera will soon be offered on the faster LTE network of Verizon.
Specialist loudspeaker company Audio Pro has announced the launch of its newest addition to its Living wireless speaker range, the Audio Pro LV1.
Samsung's Android-powered camera, the Galaxy Camera, is coming to Verizon for under $550. Samsung's innovative new 4G-enabled Galaxy Camera is coming to Verizon Wireless with a price tag of $549, according to a press release from the mobile carrier.
Lego and M&M are two widely appreciated bundles of joy, and now a new gadget combines the two for the ultimate Lego M&M combo.
One would think that with the Nintendo Wii U finally hitting store shelves, sales of the Xbox 360 would slow down drastically, but that wasn't the case in November. As it stands, the Xbox 360 seems to have an unlimited lifespan.
The Apple TV set-top box can expect new Bluetooth functionality allowing the addition of devices such as a wireless keyboard.
With the release of the Lightning connector for the new iPhone 5 and iPods, Bose's new SoundDock 3 (or SoundDock III) has changed way it connects to the new iDevices, but not the design.
Samsung has released its Galaxy Muse, a portable MP3 player that is both compact and lightweight, in the U.S, and is gearing up to challenge iPod Shuffle. Priced at just $49.99, the Galaxy Muse is the perfect budget-friendly on-the-go music companion and is also compatible with the Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note 2 smartphones.
DoorBot aims to eliminate the mystery of who's ringing one's doorbell, sending live video of the person at the door to the owner's smartphone or tablet.
Earlier in August ARCHOS unveiled its GamePad, a portable Android-powered game console, which was an amalgamation of powerful tablet hardware with gaming software. The console was supposed to launch in October, but met with delays and has now finally made it to European shelves.
Philips has followed in JBL's steps to become the second third-party company to provide speakers for Apple's latest Lightning connector compatible devices. Apple revealed at the iPhone 5 launch that the 30-pin connector will give way to the smaller 8-pin Lightning Connector, which means that older accessories are not compatible with the iPhone 5 unless there is an adapter.