One would think that with the Nintendo Wii U finally hitting store shelves, sales of the Xbox 360 would slow down drastically, but that wasn't the case in November. As it stands, the Xbox 360 seems to have an unlimited lifespan.
The Xbox 360 performed considerably well during the Black Friday festivities. So it came as no surprise to find out the console went over the 1 million mark for the whole of November. What is more surprising is the fact that it managed to do better than the Wii U, and Microsoft should be very happy about this.
For the whole month of November, 1.26 million Xbox 360 units were sold in the U.S., making the console the top selling video game machine in that market for the 23rd consecutive month. That's a huge achievement. However, the Nintendo Wii U wasn't on the market until November 18. So maybe if it was around for all of November, things could have been different.
Not all is lost for Nintendo, however. The Mario factory managed to move 960,000 units for the month, which when added to sales of other gaming hardware such as the original Wii, 3DS, DS, accumulates to a sum of 1.75 million units sold. In the end, Nintendo came out on top; however, if the first next generation console fails to topple the Xbox 360 in December, then a price drop could be coming earlier than expected.
Sitting in a corner somewhere, is Sony. The company didn't release its hardware sales for the month of November. Nevertheless, it did mention that total hardware sales for the month reached $838.9 million, which is a decline when compared to the $962.2 million generated the same time in 2011.
The gaming industry has been in a decline for quite some time, which is a sign that next generation consoles are needed to kick things off again. Nintendo made the first move with the Wii U, now it is up to Microsoft and Sony to pick up the gauntlet and show what they have up their sleeves.
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