A photo apparently taken with a Nokia Lumia 928 device has surfaced online, giving more insights into the widespread rumors surrounding the device. Lumia 928, said to be a step up from the Lumia 920, is expected to feature an aluminum body and a curved back. It was recently reported that Lumia 928 is a new Windows Phone 8 device rumored for Verizon.

The image shows a glass of beer with the logo of Black Raven Brewing and nothing more. Although the photo looks good for a smartphone photo, one cannot read more into it. The image was released by pretty reliable Twitter user @evleaks and as My Nokia Blog notes, the Exif data on the image confirms that it was indeed taken with a Lumia 928 running Windows Phone. The folks at My Nokia Blog also have identified the real source of the image which solidifies the fact that the image was taken by Lumia 928 as the person who posted it was found to be working with Nokia according to his Google Plus profile. The photo was originally uploaded on Google's Picasa service which was later removed. The phone presumably has an f2.0 aperture and the flash wasn't used. The image has a resolution of 1278×720, probably the photo was compressed when uploaded to the web.

Lumia 928 is the alleged variant of the Lumia 920 for Verizon Wireless and the company may bring in some significant changes to turn it a new standalone device. The Verge recently reported that Nokia plans to launch its Lumia 928 handset in April on Verizon. The Finnish handset maker will probably turn to aluminum for the 928 and would feature xenon and LED flash combination for the 8-megapixel PureView camera.

The smartphone, previously known as Laser, will sport a lighter, slimmer build and to be precise, it will be 10.2mm at its thinnest point with a slightly curved back. Lumia 928 will sport a square design reminiscent of the Lumia 720 model and it reportedly feels significantly lighter than the Lumia 920. Other specifications such as CPU and RAM, however, will be identical to the Lumia 920. The device would be launched with a 4.5-inch OLED display and would support for simultaneous voice and LTE.

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