Recently, HTC launched its newest Android device, the HTC One. This particular handset has a few things going for it apart from the Android operating system on the inside; it boasts of camera tricks similar to the Nokia Lumia 920.
With that in mind, someone was bound to compare images taken with the HTC One and the Lumia 920. What you are about to see, are images that were taken in similar condition with the default settings on both devices. As you would expect, one will look better than the other, but which one?
Bear in mind, the Nokia Lumia 920 is on top, while the HTC One is at the bottom with each comparison.
After taking a long look at what both devices have to offer the end user, it is clear to us that the Lumia 920 takes better images both in normal and low-light conditions. HTC might want to revisit the drawing board and take a keen long look at the camera before it releases the handset to the general public.
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