Nokia Music+ is up and running in full force for folks living in the UK, and it's only GBP 4 per month. At the moment, Nokia's offering is the cheapest when compared to Spotify and Microsoft's Xbox Music service built into every Windows Phone device.

UK smartphone users who are willing to drop GBP 4 on Nokia Music+ streaming service will have the ability to save any amount of music they so wish for offline use, improved audio quality over Wi-Fi, unlimited Mix Radio skips along with Web streaming. For all the features users are getting here, the GBP 4 price point is pretty impressive, though this could be due in part to the Nokia Music+ inferior music catalog when compared to other services.

Still, this is a great deal and could go on to do well. What Nokia needs to do is make its Music+ app available for Android and iOS devices, along with an app for Windows 8 and Mac OSX. It is understandable that Nokia might want to keep Music+ exclusive to its own platform to boost its user base; however, that will not boost the user base of Music+.

Nokia Music+ is likely to be available in the U.S. sooner rather than later. The monthly subscription cost is expected to be $4, a better deal when compared to the GBP 4 UK users will have to cough up to take advantage of what Nokia Music+ has to offer.

For anyone interested in giving Music+ a shot, there's a seven-day free trial available.

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