Samsung is leaving no stone unturned in the bid to amend its rundown reputation thanks to the controversy-plagued Galaxy Note 7 smartphone. That being said, the successor to the now-defunct Note 7 dubbed as, the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 is expected to boast an array of jaw-dropping specifications, in fact, multiple sources suggest the upcoming flagship smartphone's specs will even surpass those of the equally anticipated iPhone 8. More importantly, the Note 8 will be safer and secure compared to its fiery precursor.
Samsung is reportedly gearing up to unveil the Samsung Galaxy S8 before the Galaxy Note 8. Last year, the popular smartphone manufacturer came under fire from its Galaxy Note 7 users who reported their devices spontaneously burst into flames. This eventually compelled the company to oust the Note 7.
Nevertheless, Samsung has reportedly urged suppliers to be extra careful about the Samsung Galaxy Note 8, keeping everything well under control and checked this time around, especially with the device's battery. In line with this, Samsung employed an 8-point battery testing procedure which comprises discharge test, durability test, visual inspection, charge, X-Ray, TVOC test, OCV test, accelerated usage test and disassembling test.
Even the South Korean government is looking to ensure that the next Note flagship smartphones, the Samsung Galaxy Note 8, won't explode, BGR reported. In addition, the ministry of Korean Agency for Technology Standards intends to make alterations as far as battery safety and smartphone recall laws are concerned. These include renewal of device's batteries at least once in every two years.
Moreover, time frames as far as smartphone recalls are concerned will be strongly implemented as well. This will ensure there is no delay in reporting from the manufacturer's end. In order to flock back consumers who abandoned the Galaxy Note brand amidst the Note 7 fiasco, Samsung's Mobile Chief Dong-jin Koh warrants a safer, better and comparatively ingenious Samsung Galaxy Note 8, CNet reported. That being said, several reports suggest that the Note 8 will be VR-ready and come with 4K display resolution.
Coming out with such awe-inspiring features is no child's play. Samsung has been reportedly hard at works on high-end Exynos chipsets that are expected to be SoC version equipped with built-in robust GPU. Internally codenamed as "Project Baikal," the Samsung Note 8 is expected to arrive in late 2017 bearing, no prizes for guessing, a steep price tag.
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