The Microsoft VR headset is headed to Xbox in 2018. The announcement was made by the tech giant during the still ongoing five-day 2017 GDC summit. The tech giant also confirmed that the Xbox Scorpio will also be getting a version of the Microsoft HoloLens tech.
Microsoft has collaborated with other tech giants to create what has been dubbed as the Microsoft mixed reality gears. The mixed reality technology of Microsoft basically combines the features of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality.
Alex Kipman, the team leader of Microsoft HoloLens, described the mixed reality technology as the VR headsets of tomorrow. That is, having the ability to see the real world and put holograms on it.
VR games have experienced quite a big break this year. The over the top sales of the "Resident Evil 7" PlayStation VR version proves that there is a huge market for VR games just waiting for the right product and the perfect game.
Kipman demoed what is said to be the prototype of the Xbox mixed reality headset. According to CNet, the headset closely resembles the Sony PlayStation VR but was not as comfortable to use.
During the Microsoft HoloLens 2017 GDC demo, Kipman also revealed that the tech company is planning to launch the mixed reality technology to Xbox consoles by next year. The plan includes releasing an Xbox Scorpio mixed reality support.
According to Kipman, the plan is to go with a universal platform that can go from X86 to ARM. This would mean, that the Xbox version of the tech will be as similar as the mixed reality experiences that go from the Microsoft HoloLens to PCs.
Aside from the release of the Xbox mixed reality tech by 2018, Kipman also hinted about future Xbox controllers. The Microsoft HoloLens team leader did not, however, reveal and details about the planned new controllers.
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