DC’s upcoming movie franchise, “Justice League,” is set to be released in theaters this year. Its trailer has been announced to be released sooner prior to the film's worldwide release. DC fans have been clamoring for a "JL" movie ever since Marvel has been releasing various franchises under its name. This clamor was needed and Warner Bros. has finally agreed to do a “Justice League” movie which has fans excited all over.
New "Justice League" trailer video has been announced to be released sooner than expected. This has been announced by Zack Snyder, in his latest post via Vero. “Trailer is all part of marketing and there is a set of schedule for release,” he wrote. “It’s coming soon, don’t worry.” He added.
The announcement regarding the new "Justice League" trailer video made by Snyder has been confirmed and corroborated by Gal Gadot, who is set to play the “Wonder Woman” in the upcoming film. She took to Facebook earlier this month when a fan asked her about the upcoming trailer for the “Justice League” movie. “Haha, soon!” Gadot responded to the fan’s question.
The new “Justice League” trailer video will feature an original story as to how the group started banding together. It will feature Bruce Wayne, in his renewed faith in humanity and inspired by Superman, enlists the help of Diana Price (aka Wonder Woman) in order to face a much stronger and greater enemy.
Burdened by this herculean task, Batman and Wonder Woman set out to find a group of metahumans and recruit their services to stand against humanity’s latest threat. They were able to enlist the likes of Aquaman, Cyborg, and The Flash in the process. Whether or not they will be able to defeat the greatest threat to humanity is a case which remains uncertain. They stand as the humanity last hope against total extinction and annihilation. With a cinematography similar to "Batman vs Superman," this new "Justice League" trailer video is definitely something to look forward to.
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