On Wednesday, Nokia unveiled the much-anticipated Lumia 920, its flagship device for Windows Phone 8. While its price and launch date remain unknown, here are five of the features Mobilenapps.com likes.
The screen
The release of the Samsung Galaxy S3 earlier this year and the release of the Samsung Galaxy Nexus in 2011 pushed the 4.5-inch display size into popularity. Nokia followed the trend with the Lumia 920, and the larger screen compliments the new start screen for Windows Phone 8. The latter's ability to use three tile sizes means that users need space to customize the experience, so a 3.5-inch screen size probably would not have sufficed. Nokia also claims that its PureMotion HD+ display is the "brightest smartphone HD display ever," so the colors from the new start screen should be bold and clear.
The device's color is a simple addition, but no less memorable. Nokia continues the tradition of offering color on its devices with the 920, which comes in yellow, red, white, grey, and black across a polycarbonate display. The only downside is that the phone is not completely red or yellow, though straining your eyes in the morning because of a bright phone perhaps is not the best idea.
PureView returns
As rumored, Nokia's Pureview camera technology returns. It boasts an 8.7-megapixel camera, not quite the 42 megapixels available in the Pureview phone, but consumers will enjoy more pixels and Nokia's strong track record with camera technology. A new feature in the camera is the ability to detect when a person walks in front of a picture, along with a "floating lens" that creates sharper images.
The Lumia 900, better
In hindsight, Windows Phone 7 is a simple operating system in comparison to Windows Phone 8: the latter supports HD resolutions and multi-core processors. Nokia can do more with the Lumia 920 this time around, and the hardware is refined, though very similar to the Lumia 900, with sharp edges projecting a large size.
Read more: Nokia Windows Phone 8 Smartphones Leaked: Lumia 920 'Phi' & Lumia 820 'Arrow' Look Gorgeous
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