CBS' legal drama "Doubt" focuses on Sadie Ellis, portrayed by Katherine Heigl, an attorney who represents Billy Brennan (Steven Pasquale). Billy is a pediatric surgeon who is "recently accused of murdering his girlfriend over two decades ago." However, the "brilliant" Sadie finds herself falling for Billy, who may or may not be guilty.

Collider has revealed that actress Katherine Heigl has talked to several media outlets to promote her new show "Doubt." Heigl spoke about what sets the legal drama apart from other shows with similar themes, and what convinced her to play Sadie.

When asked about why she chose to be a part of CBS' "Doubt," Heigl shared that her decision was mostly influenced by the fact that Tony Phelan and Joan Rater were involved in the project. She shared, "... I've worked with them before and I know how talented, smart, funny, and amazing their work is. That piqued my interest."

The actress added that she was drawn in by the show's premise, the character of Sadie, and the "overall story outline for the season." Heigl added that it was a treat to play Sadie since she is a character that is respectable and admirable.

The actress also said that the loves playing "smart, ambitious, talented women," which is always fun for her. Heigl adds that she likes how "charming, funny, sexy, and complicated" Sadie is because she is "an actress' overall dream character."

Heigl was also asked about how similar she was to Sadie, who said that she usually plays characters that are a lot like her. She replied, "I do tend to play characters that are like me. I wouldn't say that Sadie is more ambitious than I am, but she feels a bit more of a grown-up than I do because my job feels like play, and her job feels real. We are similar, in that I think she's a compassionate person and I think she cares very much about humanity, obviously, and the people that she represents. She believes in the good in people. I think her first instinct is to believe in the inherent good in humanity, and I hope that's me, as well. And I think she's funny and a little OCD, so we're kind of the same."

According to Variety, Phelan and Rater were excited to once again work with Heigl on "Doubt." Rater shared, "When we heard she was available, we really just jumped at the chance to work with her because, you know, it's one of these things when you've written this character and you're like, 'Oh my god, it is Katie Heigl.' Katie has the ability to be so funny and yet so smart and relatable."

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