"Bates Motel," A&E's "contemporary sequel" to the 1960 film "Psycho," is now in its fifth and final season. Fans of the show will finally get a glimpse at Marion Crane, who will be portrayed by the singer and actress Rihanna, when the show premieres later in February.

According to Heavy, the latest sneak peek for Season 5 of "Bates Motel" shows Rihanna as Marion Crane. The new episodes of the show's fifth season will air on Feb. 20 on Mondays, at 10 p.m. EST on A&E Network.

The official synopsis for "Dark Paradise," episode 1 of "Bates Motel's" fifth season, reads, "Norman tries to keep up appearances despite a troubling discovery; Dylan and Emma receive a surprise guest." Season 5 will pick up two years later and Marion joins some new faces. Fans can also look forward to the return of some of their favorite characters.

Meanwhile, Dread Central has revealed that while Vera Farmiga returns as "Mother," the character will only return as a figment of her son Norman's "twisted" and "complicated mind." Dylan Massett and Emma Decody have lived happy lives after leaving White Pine Bay, but they will soon be pulled back into the town because of Norman's worsening condition.

Alex Romero, on the other hand, has not stopped plotting his revenge against Norman who murdered Norma, Alex's "one true love." Alex could soon put his plan against his step-son into motion once he is free from prison. In Season 4, Alex has been imprisoned for perjury.

Some of the new faces that viewers will soon meet include Rihanna's Marion Crane, along with "a new couple in town, Madeleine Loomis, played by Isabelle McNally ("House of Cards"), and her husband, Sam Loomis, played by Austin Nichols ("The Walking Dead," "Ray Donovan"), as well as Sheriff Dana Greene, played by Brooke Smith ("Grey's Anatomy"), become entangled in Norman's life, causing a chain of events that could blow the lid off his secret life. Lastly, fans will be greeted by familiar faces when Caleb Calhoun (Kenny Johnson) and Chick Hogan (Ryan Hurst) return with agendas of their own."

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