"Pretty Little Liars" Season 7 is confirmed to be the last installment of the well-celebrated mystery-thriller drama. As "PLL" says goodbye, a reboot of 90's classic film called "Jawbreaker" is reportedly about to enter production. This time, however, Jawbreaker will apparently hit TV screens as a weekly series similar to "Pretty Little Liars" where a group of friends keeps a dark secret that involves a murder.

As pointed out by Bustle, "Pretty Little Liars" fans may find interest on "Jawbreaker" reboot because of the similarities between the two shows. In the original 90's cult film, Rose McGowan, Rebecca Gayheart, Julie Benz and Judy Greer starred as four teenagers who were bound to hide the truth about their club leader's death. Though it has a comedic taste to it, the movie will sound familiar to any PLL fanatic.

That's because "Pretty Little Liars" also began with the same predicament when Lucy Hale, Troian Bellisario, Ashley Benson and Shay Mitchell woke up with a news that their friend Sasha Pieterse is missing after a girl's night out. However, Pieterse was later revealed to be dead and mysteriously murdered. Pretty similar to "Jawbreaker" reboot, right?

The series reboot of "Jawbreaker" also promises more interesting plot as co-writer/director Darren Stein is reportedly looking at expanding the storyline to target an older audience. For this reason, speculations surfaced that the original cast could also make an appearance in the show. But as fans wait for "Jawbreaker" reboot, "Pretty Little Liars" Season 7 will still serve 10 more episodes to delight fans.

That said, "PLL" fanatics should get ready now as the series finale is expected to drop all answers to that viewers have long been clamoring for. According to PopSugar, "Pretty Little Liars" Season 7 finale will reveal the identity of Uber A. Also, someone is going to be married while a character is set to meet his/her demise.

"Pretty Little Liars" Season 7 speculations and spoilers are everywhere pointing who might die and who could be married. The team behind the series, of course, has not announced who they would be. But what's known is that the finale is a two-hour long episode so fans will surely enjoy the last moments of their favorite show.

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