“Resident Evil 7: Biohazard” is the gaming franchise’s newest instalment. Despite having been launched only on January 24th, Capcom had already confirmed that its longest running horror game series has reached a sales milestone.

As stated on its press release, the game had recently surpassed three million sales worldwide. These “Resident Evil 7: Biohazard” sales were reportedly racked up across all gaming platforms, namely, Windows PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.

One of these “Resident Evil 7: Biohazard” patrons cranked the game’s difficulty all the way up and hacked his way until the end with just a pocket knife. According to Kotaku, YouTuber Quizzle went on a zombie-killing rampage in a single run on Madhouse - which is the game’s most difficult level. Madhouse is unlocked after the game is cleared for the first time.

As having the highest difficulty, the Madhouse level of “Resident Evil 7: Biohazard” has its key items redistributed in different locations, tougher enemies, and has a much faster Jack Baker. Despite these hurdles, however, Quizzle finished the game with a time of 2:49:13 - which is reportedly seven minutes faster than his initial run.

“Resident Evil 7: Biohazard” also had some extensive DLC plans that could be easily tied into the game’s main storyline. Gamers can find out more information regarding the Baker family from several video tapes - with the first DLC pack entitled “Banned Footage Vol. 1.” This particular “Resident Evil 7: Biohazard” DLC is divided into three offerings, namely, Ethan Must Die, Bedroom, and Nightmare.

Gamasutra has reported that “Resident Evil 7: Biohazard” is Capcom’s saving grace. The game maker has revealed in its latest financial report that both profits and sales have been down, and that the company had its hopes set on the seventh “RE” game to take things back up toward the end of this fiscal year.

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