"The Seven Deadly Sins" is the first animated series from Netflix, reflecting the fair share of experimentation with the shows and movies they have been releasing for the past year. They have done so much with "Orange is the New Black", "House of Cards" which were hits and some misses such as "The Ridiculous Six" and "The Do-Over."
"The Seven Deadly Sins" features a new realm for Netflix, especially with the help of Bojack Horseman who is used to Western-style shows with dark but humorist portrayal of films. The animated series centers on Princess Elizabeth searching for former knights of Britannia. Criminals served her kingdom turning rogue when they try to overthrow the ruler. They killed a lot of holy knights and warriors ten years before the beginning of the animated series.
Princess Elizabeth tagged the help of Meliodas, the leader of the knights. While he is in his 30's, he looks like a 12-year-old boy running a tavern trying to find other members. With a heart of gold, Meliodas also fancies girls. He is then helped by the princess to search for others as holy knights attempt to start a holy war. Long dead demon race was revived by the knights and gave them purpose to stay and push for a silent coup while the royal family is held for the ritual.
Fortunately for Elizabeth, "The Seven Deadly Sins" are not as bad as she knew of them. She found out that they were framed to death by the old headmaster of the holy knights so she together with Meliodas journeyed to find their comrades and stop the revival of demons in their kingdom.
The anime, like its predecessors, uses the classic fighting fantasy scheme where everyone has magic powers. The characters are featured with jumping, teleporting and destruction skills. It is a good mix of comedy and enchantment which establishes the depth of the characters magnificently. Each sin gets uncovered as stereotype but with a dark past as several holy knights are worse, blindly following the orders of the evil. The sin creatures were portrayed on point. The sin of envy lies in a 30-foot tall giant woman, Diane, who punches and hammers people to death. She had cursed Meliodas for women getting near her. The sin of greed is Ban, a normal looking creature with fangs and pointed ears.
"Seven Deadly Sins" spans for a total of twenty-four episodes, without any fillers and a second season is currently in production. The release date is unknown as of this moment.
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