Disney's long-awaited "Beauty and the Beast" film hits cinemas this spring, which brings the classic animated tale to life for both old and new fans. The highly anticipated live-action adaptation starring Emma Watson as Belle and Dan Stevens, who plays the role of the disgruntled Beast now has two new TV spots have been dropped that contain some gorgeous new footages.

Fans are treated with a few familiar footages in the latest "Beauty and the Beast" clip from the original film although the imagery is short, fans were teased with the transformation of the Prince into the Beast where the latter's close-up is seen with lightened fur and his head is being framed by a usual powdered wig. The Prince, with his wide blue eyes wears a horrified expression that fades away into a wide shot and fans are only able to see the shadow of the Prince although they can see his profile curl in agony against the ornate walls of his then-pristine castle.

"Beauty and the Beast" follows the adventure of Belle, a dazzling, beautiful and independent young lady, who is taken hostage by a beast in his castle and in spite of her terror; she still managed to make friends with the enchanted staff of the castle. She then learned to look past the Beast's physical appearance and realized that the true Prince has a kind heart and soul.

In other "Beauty and the Beast" news, L'oreal Paris is launching a makeup line to match with the film, which comes in a full set decorated with the upcoming film adaptation's illustrations and also features some adorable products, reports Glamour. The lipsticks are certainly gorgeous with classic red colors named after Belle and The Beast as well as a feminine pink hue for Mrs. Potts but the collection will only be available on Amazon Italy from Feb. 9, although they ship worldwide.

"Beauty and the Beast" will debut in U.S. cinemas on March 17, reports Comic Book. Check out the trailer below!

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