"Blue Reflection: Sword Of the Girl Who Dances in Illusion" revolves around the story of Hinako Shirai, the main character in the game. It talks about her life in an all-girls school. She solves problems by using her newfound powers. By journeying to the "Other World," she can use her powers to fight "Pure Breeds." Hinako becomes the so-called "Reflector" and her magic powers can vanquish these monstrosities that affect the real world. While her inability to dance ballet is a drawback to her passion, she hopes one day that her feet will be healed.
Trailer revealed by Gust
Gust revealed a trailer for the main character of "Blue Reflection" named Hinako Shirai. Her personality and her resolve to protect those near to her heart make her lovable for fans at first sight. Her trailer reveals parts of the story where she communicates with her fellow classmates, how she acts at home and more. As cheery her personality is around her friends, she is strong during tough times. In addition, she never gives up for her true purpose and will in the game.
She can be reliable for her friends aside from her being a simple girl with cheerful personality in "Blue Reflection." Gematsu explains her background as well. She was forced to give up on her dream to be a ballet dancer because she injured her foot. This also sealed her heart and she is not open to everyone because of the incident. However, she believes one day her foot injury will heal and will dance again. Her mission is not only limited to one when she gained her magical powers and became a "Reflector." The same summarization of her background is mentioned in CapsuleComputers.
"Blue Reflection: Sword Of the Girl Who Dances in Illusions" will be released for the PlayStation 4 and PS Vita platforms on March 30 in Japan.
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