Razer had a very promising first few days at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas where it unveiled its latest gaming prototypes, one of which won two Best of CES 2017. Unfortunately, the company had to end the CES on a bad note after it was discovered that two of its gaming prototypes were stolen from their booth, according to a report by The Verge.

The Razer laptops that were stolen were prototype models called Project Valerie which has three 4K displays, both were stolen around 4PM on Sunday.

Min-Lisng Tan, CEO of Razer, wrote in a Facebook post, "We treat theft/larceny, and if relevant to this case, industrial espionage, very seriously - it is cheating, and cheating doesn't sit well with us."

Allie Fried, director of global communications for the Consumer Technology Association, stated that the security of their exhibitors and their products are given the highest priority. They are looking forward to cooperating with law enforcement as the incident is being investigated.

A report from Engadget, stated that this was not the first time that it happened to Razer. Two Blade prototypes were stolen from Razer R&D lab in San Francisco back in 2011.

Razer is offering a $25,000 reward for information that would lead to the identification, arrest and conviction of suspect. Anyone that has vital information about the Razer theft may email legal@razerzone.com. The company also stated that it will not disclose any information that it receives or the details of the sender.

Razer's intention at the beginning of the CES was to show off their products and change the idea of a portable gaming device. Having it stolen instead, is the farthest thing on their minds.

Who do you think are interested in stealing Razer's prototypes? Write and share your comments below.

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