In every yearly Consumer Electronics Show, LG Display has always been present to launch new forward-looking prototypes. Multiple news sources have confirmed that, for this year, the company has prepared to launch transparent and double-sided OLED displays.

One particular feature that separates LG Display's OLED Ultra HD panels from its competitors is the setup of its sound system. The TV's speakers have been integrated directly into the screen, as Engadget has confirmed.

The slender nature of the screen's OLED technology has turned it into a very thin membrane for audio. Since the TV does not require backlighting, a lot of space has been spared within the TV. There are very small speaker drivers from within the TV's makeup that function by delivering vibrations to produce the sound.

This feature, which has reportedly been dubbed as Crystal Sound, is marketed to have the capability to provide users with a more immersive audio-visual experience. With this new technology, users of the LG Display can hear sound coming directly from whatever is that they are watching - instead of hearing it from the TV's side speakers.

The 55- and 65-inch Ultra HD screens that LG Display launched at this year's CES all feature this uniquely integrated sound system. It has been reported, however, that the sound being produced by the screen is "too tinny and weak." This result is expected from a device that has a ver thin OLED screen as its speaker membrane.

The review described the sound coming from the screen to be cool. However, it was mentioned that "it just needs a bit more oomph."

LG Display did not reveal precisely when this new technology of theirs will be available for today's retail TVs. With sound production that has been reviewed to be relatively lacking, its improvement is something for prototype engineers to focus on in time for next year's Consumer Electronics Show.

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