Google took over the gadget market with the launch of its Google Glass three years back. Now, Lenovo has also jumped into the arena with its new smart glass, Glass C200. Lenovo's Smart Glass gadget is well equipped with a new AR coupled AI technology and may be a tough competitor for Google glass in the market. While Google Glass aimed to make the tech available to the average customer, New Glass C200 is a little bit heavier on the pockets.
The latest Lenovo Smart Glass appears similar to the Google Glass' starting prototype, featuring straps for the back and top of the user's head. It has a monocular "Glass Unit," which is possibly inspired by Google's glass. However, the gadget's camera is comparatively much bigger to that of the Google's model. There's also a catch with Lenovo's latest gadget that it does have its own wired pocket unit.
While Google Glass is the most popular AR glass gadget in the tech market currently, several other tech giants have also rolled out their own head-mounted AR devices. Motorola and Sony, have also previously rolled out such gadgets but didn't perform that well in the tech market. While the ADAMAAS rolled their gadget earlier aimed at helping the elderly and disabled in doing general tasks, the Golden-i headsets were specifically designed for industrial purposes as well as disaster mitigation first responders. Lenovo's Smart Glass C200 in a similar way attempts to a particular type of commercial audience.
According to Lenovo, the Glass C200 combines AR with an artificial intelligence system. The device aims to offer relevant information to industrial workers at a much faster pace and also aids in connecting with co-workers remotely. The C200 Glass Unit works on Linux and, thanks to its real-life objects identification capability, can display significant information to the user. This feature is a great aid to industrial workers whose daily jobs revolve around step-by-step repairing works. The Lenovo smart glass also lets the user snaps photos and record videos in 1080p.
The Pocket Unit comprises a better processing capability as compared to Google's glass and is paired to the headset through a wired connection. The Pocket unit also has an LTE Connection to make communication easier. The Lenovo smart glass can recognise up to 20 separate type of objects currently. To use the gadget, the user has to plug it in their smartphone and pair it using the companion new Glass App.
According to the tech giant, the Lenovo Glass will be available only after June this year. No official announcement has been made regarding its price yet. Stay tuned to Mobile&Apps for more news and updates on Lenovo smart glass C200.
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