Casio revealed its second smartwatch, 'Pro Trek WSD-F20' at the CES 2017 recently. While the second watch does appear similar to the outgoing watch it unveiled last year, the Tech giant has added some added functionality to it. Casio's Smartwatch 'Pro Trek WSD-F20' is amongst the first smartwatches to run Android Wear 2.0. The gadget has been specifically designed to be used for outdoor purposes and features a low-power GPS. The user can also download offline color maps to be used later on.

At the CES 2016, Casio revealed its first Smartwatch that could withstand extreme conditions. The new Casio Smartwatch 'Pro Trek WSD-F20' design is even stronger as compared to its predecessor. The smart watch features a bezel around the screen, which is much bigger than the previous model. The bezel contains text labels related to the functioning of the side buttons as well as the GPS module. While Casio already installs a number of apps in the Smart Watch at the time of delivery, the user will also be able to launch their preferred apps. The built-in tools can be accessed using the side buttons and the main home button also appears slightly larger in the center.

Casio Smartwatch 'Pro Trek WSD-F20' also has the dual display mode, earlier featured in the outgoing model. The feature enables the device to conserve battery life by switching to a monochrome mode when the smart features are not being used. The smartwatch then works just like a regular one and only displays the time. One of the best features of the new Casio Smartwatch is an all new low-power GPS. The sensor has been modified not only to conserve battery but also tracks location even when the user is offline using the Maps feature. The tech giant will also reportedly roll out a new Location Memory app that will allow the user to mark their locations on a map.

Other features on the 'Casio Smartwatch 'Pro Trek WSD-F20' include specific tracking, assistance apps, and an all new 'Location Memory' feature. The new addition allows the Smartwatch to read out locations on the touch of a button and also acts as a location marker. The user can also add notes on some particular spots using the speech recognition tech on the gadget. The new Casio Smartwatch will be available for purchase from April 21, in orange and black color options.

Casio hasn't yet revealed the price of the smartwatch, however, it is very likely that it'll be in the same $500 range as that of its predecessor. Stay tuned to Mobile&Apps for more news and updates on 'Casio Smartwatch 'Pro Trek WSD-F20'.

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