"The Walking Dead: A New Frontier" has been recently released for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. The game has come with various improvements that have attracted a lot of positive responses. The following are the positive updates in the game's episode1 and 2.

Familiar Yet Fresh Territory

Though, "The Walking Dead: A New Frontier" looks like a familiar territory, it has been boosted to be fresher than the territories in the previous iterations. The game brings in a new playable character named Javier. Javier is the only playable character that the gamer can control in the Walking Dead: A New Frontier. The new character has made a successful entry into the game as he is likeable. Javier has been characterised as the saviour guy in the walker apocalypse who is trying to do what is right for his family.

Clementine Plays an Important Role In The Game

Clementine, though not a playable character has a significant presence in the first and second episodes of the game. She is still the same lovable character that players would want to know and fall for, though she has become a little tough after the events that happened between the Season 2 end and beginning of "The Walking Dead: A New Frontier." The game strategically fills the gaps in the story line by an occasional flashback track that uncovers what happened to baby AJ, and Kenny or Jane, based on the co-traveler of Clementine at the moment. Though the flashback creates a nostalgic feeling, it also helps in creating a balance in the game, as reported by Forbes.

Moving And Less Tedious Story Line

The storyline keeps moving as though everyone is involved in the game, and not just the main character Javier. Also, Javier will spend less time by slowly roaming around the New Frontier examining the objects and conversing with people. There are a number of chances to explore in the game and the game been enhanced to be tiresome. The facial expressions by the characters have been made a bit more subtle in this season, says GameRant.

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