Apple's latest take on the wireless earphone, the Apple AirPods, was met with mixed reviews from tech fans when it was first unveiled. Despite the overwhelming concern of its practicality and usability in the real world, the demand for the new device still continues to exist.
Apple was expected to launch the new wireless earphones back in October, but the company suddenly announced that there would be a delay in its release. With the year now slowly coming to a close, there still seems to be no word on when the new device would be coming out.
During the original delay announcement back in October, Apple had neglected to mention the device's new release date. The company also did not explain the exact reasons why they had to delay the release and only mentioned that they just needed more time to ensure that the product was ready for the public. Now, new reports are revealing that the main reason for the delay may be a technical issue.
According to a report from the Wall Street Journal, who cited a source close to the device's production, the delay is apparently due to an audio sync issue that Apple has yet to fully resolve. The company is reportedly still trying to figure out how to have both earpieces receive a signal simultaneously and without any lag or discrepancy.
If one earpiece receives the signal earlier than the other, the resulting audio would become distorted. The same report also states that the company is also trying to find a way to resolve a lingering issue with the device's batteries.
The Apple AirPods apparently use the company's own proprietary communications chip, which is different from what other wireless earphones and headsets use. This means that the entire system will come with its own challenges. Challenges that Apple must overcome if they want to ship the product in time to meet its customer's demands.
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