Released last October 7, "Mafia 3" is 2K's latest game of the "Mafia" franchise. Based on its predecessor games, its features are showcased In this video of TGN, which is summarized on this list:
New setting - 1960's New Bordeaux
New vehicle features
New combat mechanics
The Lieutenant System
Turf wars and financial damage
Lincoln Clay - new protagonist
Free Outfit DLC
A month after its release, "Mafia 3" recently announced that players will be getting free DLC outfits as a way of answering (one of) their requests. In this video by Mafia Game the new outfits are presented in action.
These are the outfits that the players will be getting:
Plain White Tee
On Leave
Full Metal
Full Metal II
Mr. Clay
Business Hours
Pro Am
Patch update
Along with the announcement of free DLC is a patch update that rolls out improvements for PC, Playstation 4 and Xbox One. The list of the updates include:
UI Improvements
Improved car reflections
Improved streaming issues
Performance optimization
Fixed audio issues
Fixed some cases of save game corruption
Fixed some issues for Cassandra's Contraband missions
"Mafia 3" also teased that there will be more free content coming in the future, one of which will feature "races and car customization".
Frame rate improvement for PC
One of the problems of multi platform games is that while 30fps is accepted on the consoles, the same could not be said for PC gaming. As most of the PC players have specs more powerful than that of the current generation consoles, it has been a common standard that a PC game should at least be playable at 60fps.
In a different post, "Mafia 3" showed the PC players that they care about them as much as the console players - by addressing the frame rate issue. Initially, the game only runs at a solid 30fps which is passable for console standards but not for PC players.
Currently, PC players now have an option to select 30, 60, or unlimited frames-per-second based on what their system can handle. "Mafia 3" also said that they still continue to improve the game based on the feedback of the gaming community.
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