Apple has presented the Watch Series 2. The new smartwatch highlights a faster S2 processor with GPS and a waterproof body. Only less than a month after its release, the next Watch Series 3 is relied upon to be launched in September 2017. Here are some of its speculated features.
If Apple reveals the Watch Series 3 in September, the gadget will most likely be the wearable counterpart of the iPhone 8, as per a report from Tech Radar.
Rumor has it that the Watch Series 3 will include a LED display with the current 1.65-inch display. Apple is no more a fan of LCD, and the company eyes to supplant LCDs with OLEDs. Whatever the changes may be, the resolution, however, is expected to stay at 390 x 312.
Fans expect that the Watch Series 3 to come with a camera. Apple was relied upon to include a camera in the present models, yet it didn't. The camera will permit users to make and get FaceTime calls, so gossips anticipate that the organization will introduce the camera in the Watch Series 3.
In addition, the cutting edge smartwatch is relied upon to have an enhanced battery life.
A report from ZD Net demonstrates that Apple has been quite successful in the smartwatch market. Of 6.1 million smartwatches sent in the second from last quarter, 2.8 million were Apple's smart watches, as per reports from Canalys.
Canalys reported that, amid the second from last quarter, the smartwatches shipment rose 60% contrasted with the last year.
In any case, IDC distributed totally different figures a month ago. The firm reported that the aggregate smartwatch shipments for the third quart were 2.7 million units, down 51.6% from the 5.6 million units transported in a similar quarter a year ago. IDC noticed that Apple delivered 1.1 million smartwatches in the quarter, versus 3.9 million dispatched a year ago.
Apple CEO Tim Cook said that Apple is the No. 2 watchmaker worldwide by income. A report in The Motley Fool proposed that the iPhone creator sold some between 5 million to 9 million watches in the year 2015.
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