Toei Animation, the animation studio that produced "Dragon Ball Super," has announced that the entirety of the ongoing anime television series will get a simultaneous broadcast in five countries across the world.
On Oct. 19, Wednesday, Toei Animation announced that "Dragon Ball Super" with English subtitles will simulcast on Crunchyroll, AnimeLab, and Daisuki. According to Anime News Network, the streaming platforms will offer the full Future Trunks arc starting with the 47th episode.
The streaming platforms will also offer ten of the earlier episodes per week starting on Oct. 30. It will be available on AnimeLab in New Zealand and Australia, while Daisuki, a Japanese-owned video-streaming website, will stream the anime series in the United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Europe for both subscription members and free users.
Crunchyroll will also stream "Dragon Ball Super" with English subtitles in the United States, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand for both subscription members and free users. However, in South Africa and Latin America, only Crunchyroll subscription members can enjoy the anime series.
Premiered on June 20, 2015, "Dragon Ball Super" is set after the defeat of Majin Boo. The series follows the exploration of other universes and the reemergence of Future Trunks along with a new threat in his timeline known as Goku Black.
'Dragon Ball Super' Episode 64 Spoilers
In the 64th episode of "Dragon Ball Super," fans can expect to witness the much-awaited fusion between Goku Black and Zamasu. It is said that the two adversaries will merge by using the Potara Earrings.
As previously reported here in Mobile & Apps, Goku Black and Zamasu will automatically fuse as soon as each of the two Potara earrings is put on their opposing ears. The resulting fusion will have the power of both fuses multiplied by each other.
Meanwhile, the preview trailer for the upcoming episode is already making the rounds on the web. The 54-second video shows Future Zamasu and Goku Black's fusion form along with Son Goku declaring that he will seal the duo using the Evil Containment Wave (Mafuba).
"Dragon Ball Super" episode 64 entitled "Revere Him! Praise Him! Fusion Zamasu's Explosive Birth!!" will air on Oct. 30.
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