Toei Animation has recently revealed the new characters coming up in "Dragon Ball Super" anime series. The new character bios unveiled are reportedly Universe 2's God Of Destruction and Universe 11's fighter.
"Dragon Ball Super" anime series new characters updates
According to the official Toei Animation website, the two new characters are not part of the "Dragon Ball" universe. The first revealed DBS character is Universe 2's God Of Destruction Heles. As reported by Todd Blankenship aka @Herms98, Heles is highly conscious of only beautiful things around her. She completely despises ugly and doesn't seem to tolerate it. Heles is reportedly voiced by Masumi Asano.
The second "Dragon Ball Super" anime series character revelation is about a warrior from Universe 11 named Toppo. He is reportedly acknowledged as the leader of the team known as "Pride Troopers" who are the guardians of peace in Universe 11. Apparently, Toppo is a huge warrior who believes in justice but does have a short temper. Sources note of his extraordinary strength which makes him the top contender for the position of God of Destruction. Jiro Saito has been slated to lend his voice for the warrior leader Toppo.
But, there are still some confusions going on in the identity of the unveiled characters. According to Herms98, Heles has a description of God of Destruction when it comes to the main character page on the official website. But, her profile page describes her as a warrior. Herms98 further added that this might be a mistake.
The upcoming "Dragon Ball Super" episode 80 is going to feature a blinded Gohan who will face Universe 9's warrior Lavenda. Majin Buu had won the first battle against the Kicker Basil. And now, the weight is on Gohan's shoulders. But, it is going to be tough for our hero as he is blinded by Lavenda's poison which has made him unable to detect his opponent's ki. How will he counter attack in his condition?
"Dragon Ball Super" episode 80 is scheduled to air on February 26th, 2017 on Fuji TV. The episodes are also available on Crunchyroll, FUNimation, Daisuki and AnimeLab.
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