According to the latest rumors, the release date of the Apple iMac is expected to happen in October 2016. Reports claimed that the device might be launched with Intel's new Kaby Lake chipset along with other revolutionary specs like VR support and Thunderbolt 3.

Mac World reported that there are high chances that the new iMac 2016 will be launched by the end of this month because the earlier iMac installment was released in October 2015. According to the latest rumors, Apple is expected to launch the device at a launch event on October 27, 2016. However, few reports stated that the Cupertino-based technology giant might release the new device at WWDC 2017 event to be held in June next year.

Should the iMac 2016 is launched by the end of this month, it is purported to be launched with revolutionary Intel's new Kaby Lake chipset, which is the7th Gen Intel Core i7 processor. Reports suggested that the new processor will provide the device a totally new outlook with enhanced graphics.

The Kaby Lake processor will provide the iMac 2016 with support for USB 3.1, DisplayPort 1.2 and Thunderbolt 3. Nevertheless, reports touted that the upcoming installment of iMac 2016 might also feature AMD's Zen processor instead of the new Intel chipset along with Polaris 10 graphics card.

Reports suggested that the AMD chipset will provide the Apple device with remarkable processing power with its eight cores and 16 threads. Also, the Polaris card will enable the users to experience exceptional GPU performance, reported Tech Radar.

Furthermore, the iMac 2016 is expected to provide the PC users with VR support and external flash drives. However, the Cupertino-based technology giant has not officially commented on the probable release date or specs or features of the upcoming iMac installment.

Keep posted here for more rumors and updates on the upcoming Apple iMac 2016, which is expected to be released this month.

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