The rumors about the upcoming upgraded Mac Mini hinted that it might be launched early next year. Earlier, there were rumors that the Cupertino-based tech giant might discontinue the Mini-series to focus on the company's other devices like the iPhone and MacBook Pro. However, the latest reports claimed that the updated Mac Mini is expected to be unveiled at the company's event in March 2017, brushing away the October 2016 rumors with new specs like the Intel chipset, smaller design, huge RAM, and excellent graphics card.
Mac World reported that the main reason behind the delay in the release date of the new version of the Mac Mini desktop is the rumored inclusion of the Intel's Kaby Lake processor, which is expected to hit the shelves, not until the end of 2016.
The Kaby Lake processors are rumored to provide a significant power boost to the updated Mac Mini's overall performance. It will also bring to the table additional specs like Thunderbolt 3, USB 3.1 and DisplayPort 1.2, and 4K video support. However, it is touted that if Apple launches the Mac Mini in a couple of months, then it might feature the Intel's Sky Lake chipset.
In terms of design, the upcoming version of the Mac Mini is expected to undergo a major overhaul with a possible thinner and smaller chassis. Rumors suggested that the desktop might also sport the dimensions similar to the Apple TV which is 9.8cm wide, 2.3cm high, and 0.27 kg.
Furthermore, reports hinted that the upgraded desktop will also feature AMD's Polaris 10 GPU to provide excellent graphics performance to the users. It is also touted to make the Mac Mini compatible with the Virtual Reality functionality.
Besides, the latest version of the Mac Mini computers might sport 8 GB RAM capacity along with the 500 GB internal storage and more flash drive options.
The upcoming model of the Mac Mini is expected to be priced for more than $550. However, the Mac Mini specs or release date rumors should be taken with a grain of salt as Apple has not confirmed anything till date.
Stay tuned in here for more updates and rumors about the upcoming Mac Mini desktop.
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