"Call of Duty: Black Ops 3" Salvation DLC is already confirmed for a September 6 release on the PlayStation 4. Treyarch gave us more Zombie goodness to look out for with their latest "Salvation" trailer.

In the video above, it is shown that the Origins crew from the previous "Call of Duty: Black Ops 3" Zombies DLC returns. This with be the finale for the long-running DLC series, which gained more popularity than the base game itself.

Several maps from the previous Zombies DLC also made their appearances in the video and more could be expected with the addition of never before seen maps as well.

It gets crazier on the latter parts of the video where a giant non-zombie looking creature appears, which looks like something out from "Gears of Wars."

Still, the same core gameplay will be staying where players need to round up and kill zombies on different areas. Most of the old zombie type is still in the DLC and Treyarch also introduced some new additions as well as new weapons, which was also shown on the video above.

Similar to the other Zombies missions on most "Call of Duty" games, Easter Eggs are highly expected with the upcoming "Salvation" DLC. These will provide hefty challenges like the one fans had with Gorod Krovi easter egg.

"Salvation" Zombies DLC is believed to be the last Zombies DLC for the series. The first one was introduced with "Call of Duty: World at War," and it is great to see how it had evolved since it was just a wave by wave zombie survival game.

Fans are looking forward to Treyarch's introduction of "Call of Duty: Infitnite Warfare," which releases this year and fans will never be left with no action-packed shooting to do in the "Call of Duty" universe.

Stay tuned for more "Call of Duty" news, tips, cheats, and tricks here.

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