Black Goku, who arrived on Earth and goes on a rampage during the series' 47th episode, may not be the fundamental antagonist of "Dragon Ball Super's" Future Trunks Saga after all. Speculations are rife that a new menacing miscreant is coming to the anime's eagerly anticipated episode 54.
In the next episode of "Dragon Ball Super," it is believed that Black Goku will unleash a whole new level of Super Saiyan, dubbed Super Saiyan Pink. In a promotional image leaked by Saiyan Island, the saga's main antagonist was seen donning a pink-colored hair with a pink aura encompassing him - a similar aura when Son Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan.
This led to the assumption that Black Goku's presumed transformation would not only change his appearance and color, but he will also have a change of power. According to Blasting News, the speculated new villain is apparently stronger that Black Goku and Zamasu combined.
"Though they know that Zamasu and Black have extraordinary similar Ki, they are unable to obtain any proof that the two are the same person," the official synopsis of the next episode reads via Reddit. "Meanwhile, Vegeta tells the Trunk from the future 'I'm going to give you some training'."
In the upcoming episode 54, entitled "Inheritor of Saiyan Blood: Trunks' Resolve," it is believed that Zamasu may collaborate with Black Goku in an effort to bring annihilation to Son Goku and successfully wipe out the entire humankind. It is important to take note that Zamasu is noted to have similar Ki to Black Goku and is somehow associated with him.
While nothing is impossible, the spoilers should be taken with a grain of salt. Nonetheless, more details are expected to be revealed once "Dragon Ball Super" episode 54 hit the airwaves on Aug. 7, Sunday at Fuji TV.
Stay tuned for more "Dragon Ball Super" spoilers, news and updates.
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