Sony Mobile Communications recently unveiled the details about the upcoming Xperia XA Ultra device, which will be released in few months. The latest reports suggest that the new device will consist of specs like 6-inch LCD screen with full HD display. Even if the current trend suggests that 6-inch screen devices, comes with huge batteries, the Xperia XA Ultra will feature 2700mAh battery and will provide around two day's battery life.

"The 6-inch LCD display is Full HD, with a resolution of 367 ppi, which is a way off from the 450 ppi+ density of modern flagships, but still completely serviceable," reported IB Times. "The coolest thing about the screen is the slim and slightly curved lateral bezels, which make for a striking appearance and a narrow profile."

Digital Trends reported that the new Xperia XA Ultra is relatively thin with 7.6 millimeters diameter. Thus, the device is expected to appeal to the customers who are looking for a pocket-friendly phone. One of the most notable features of the new device is reported to be its camera. The Xperia XA Ultra will feature high mega-pixel cameras with wide degree lenses.

"The cameras are a notch above as on the rear, you get a 21MP Sony Exmor R camera with hybrid autofocus," reported CNET. "On the front, the device offers selfie-oriented bells and whistles like a wide-angle 88-degree lens, a flash and optical image stabilization, which should ensure that the 16MP sensor captures you in the most favorable light."

Besides, the reports suggest that the smartphone will also be available with low-light sensors and thus enable the users to take perfect pictures. "Sony camera technology used in the Xperia XA Ultra helps you achieve sharp, bright, blur-free shots every time, it features a smart selfie flash to naturally illuminate your face for night scene selfies plus Optical Image Stabilization to counter handshake for both photos and videos," reported The Verge.

Other specs that the device will support are Wi-Fi, A-GPS, Wi-Fi Mira cast, Bluetooth 4.1, GPRS/ EDGE, 3G, NFC, DLNA, 3GB RAM and Micro-USB.

In addition to all the specs, the reports also revealed that the latest smartphone from Sony will be available in graphite black, white and lime gold colors. Also, no information is available on the price of the device and the markets where the customers would be able to buy it.

Sony Xperia XA Ultra is slated to be released in July 2016.

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