Viv, the "younger and smarter" version of Siri, has been officially introduced and demonstrated by the creator Dag Kittlaus during the TechCrunch Disrupt NY event earlier and it has been dubbed as "the intelligent interface for everything."
According to Tech Crunch, Kittlaus began the demonstration when he asked Viv: "Will it be warmer than 70-degrees near the Golden gate bridge after 5pm the day after tomorrow?"
As expected, Viv quickly answered. Although the newest bot might depict perfection, he previously made it clear in Washington Post that they will still continue to develop the bot for seamless usage and to avoid potential bugs.
But then, he might be proud to say that Viv, as compared to Siri, can answer questions without stuttering. The ingenuine technology that they have used to make it even better is deemed as the "dynamic program generation."
Going back to his demonstration, some might wonder what "paradigm" means because he constantly mentioned the word. Kittlaus simply explained that Viv could be like the personal assistant or secretary that people can converse with. Watch the full demonstration here.
"Instead of having to write every code instructed, you're really just describing what you want it to do," said Kittlaus. "The whole idea of Viv is that developers can go in and build any experience that they want."
The creator has been teasing Viv before its launch. As per Guardian report, he claimed that user can tell Viv what they want immediately and the new bot will do it in an interactive way, with the help of modern technology.
"It's about taking the way that humans have naturally interacted with each other for thousands of years and applying that to the way they interact with services," Mr. Kittlaus added on The Washington Post. "Everyone knows how to hold a conversation."
Well, this could be the beginning of another high leap for Apple and the creators behind Siri.
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