The Consumer Electronics show (CES) is where great innovations and products are introduced, unveiled and/or discussed every year. In this year's CES, among the great products unveiled was Samsung's new T3 portable SSD, which is a 2TB microdrive that uses only a single cable for both power and data. It is said to be the successor of Samsung's T1, the company's first-launched portable SSD. T3 is a lot like the older T1; it uses the company's vertical NAND/V-NAND memory. It can read/write data up to 450MB/s and can store a whole lot more of data.
The Korean electronics company also claims that this device that is capable of transferring data at the speed of 450MB/s will only be able to do so if the user first enables UASP. UASP is an advanced transfer protocol that replaces the standard BOT protocol that USB 3.0 transfers typically rely on. UASP can significantly improve device performance, but one has to have the hardware to support it.
T3 is heavier, though, than its predecessor but is still tiny enough in size to get lost inside one's pocket. But unlike T1, the T3 SSD doesn't only come in 2TB variants as it is also available in 250GB, 500GB and 1TB. It offers a USB 3.0 support and also has fallback options for USB 2.0 and Type C connections, as well as for hooking the device to smartphones, tablets, computers, etc. Samsung's small shock-resistant T3 also boasts of an immensely high device security.
Every user might have some security issues, and sometimes some have more reason to be concerned. But the Korean smartphone maker assures its consumers that with T3's AES 256-bit hardware encryption, they can hide their data through a password protecting it. T3 also has a companion Android app that can also allow users to change their password and check how much storage they have already used up in their handheld device.
Samsung's portable T3 will be launched next month in the U.S., some European markets, China and Korea before it will be launched in other areas. Pricing has not been announced yet though.
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