For the past weeks, speculations on a Lenovo smartphone being released in India have been circulating. And today, rumors can stop as it is now official. Lenovo has even started sending invites for the upcoming launch of its "Killer Note." The invites say that the latest smartphone is to be unleashed in India with Jan. 5 as the event date.
The said launch will be the first event or first smartphone to be launched in 2016, so the expectation could be a bit high. The release can also be the catalyst of the next succeeding smartphone releases that will happen within the year soon after the said event.
The upcoming handset from the tech company is called Lenovo K4 Note, which would be a successor of the earlier released K3 Note. The predecessor of the latest phone has received a huge success in India when it was launched earlier this June. The K3 Note was priced ₹9,999 INR and has the company claiming to have sold about 1.2 million units in the country alone.
So far, the Chinese company has not released any further details regarding its K4 Note but has been releasing teasers through its social media accounts, giving little information, perhaps to pique their fans' curiosity.
The upcoming Lenovo K4 Note is believed to have a metallic body with a 5.5-inch full HD display that has a 1080 x 1920 pixel resolution. The handset will also be having a 3GB RAM. Other specs are not known, but if it is really an upgrade of its predecessor, there will be a high chance that it would be as successful as the K3, if not more.
It is known that K3 also has the same display size, but other fans are already speculating that K4 will have better specs than its predecessor, which has a 1.7 GHz MediaTek processor, 2GB Ram (which was upped by 1 GB on the K4) and 16GB internal storage, which is expandable. The K3 Note also sports 13MP and 5MP cameras with sensor combination.
Fans can only hope that K4 will have a higher MP of camera, will have more internal storage and will support more connectivity options.
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