Motorola and Verizon Wireless have just unveiled the latest Smartphone in their long-running droid partnership. It has been slated to be launched on Thursday, October 29. The new Droid Turbo 2 has set the bar higher by being the first to produce a Smartphone that is shatterproof. Motorola and Verizon is confident of this Smartphone's shatterproof feature that they have even guaranteed that it would last for 4 years, extending Droid Turbo 2's warranty from the standard one year contract.
In a video ad released by Motorola, the device's durability has been showcased by showing several devices of Motorola's competitor's. The video shows devices such as Apple's iPhone and Samsung Galaxy together falling towards the floor in a slow motion, then the fall results in its screens shattering or cracking on pressure. At the end of the video the new Motorola Droid Turbo 2 model also falls towards the floor but doesn't crack or had its screen damaged in any way.
Droid Turbo 2's shatterproof screen's secret is a technology called the Moto ShatterShield. This technology relies on a flexible AMOLED display which floats above the frame that creates a Smartphone structure that helps it not to react badly when exposed to sudden shock, thus making the device more durable.
Aside from the shatterproof screen, Motorola Turbo 2 runs on a Snapdragon 810 processor and has a battery life of up to 48 hours. Consumers will be happy to learn that the color options and choice of materials can be picked according to their own preference, as it is also available through Motorola's Moto Maker personalization tool. Users can also pick between a 32 gigabyte and a 64 gigabyte version.
The Droid line has always received a limited appeal to the public due to its exclusivity to Verizon. It remains to be seen whether this shatterproof feature that they have, which other devices doesn't carry for now, will help them sell and broaden their popularity.
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