A new Apple Twitter account debuted this Thursday to act as a social media platform for its games. Apple confirmed with the Verge that the account is legit and confirms that it will be run by App Store editors. The Twitter account, @AppStoreGames, will feature more than just existing games but will also show fans and followers a peak at new games coming their way, gaming tips and will feature profiles of talented gamers.
An hour after this article was written, it has already featured Leo's Fortune for its Gameplay, Device 6 for its story, and Sword and Sorcery for its Music (soundtrack). Undoubtedly, gaming will have a huge part to play in Apple's upcoming event, apart from the release of the iPhone 6s. It's also about time that Apple recognizes the huge revenue their gaming apps rake in for the company. In fact, if you try to search anything on the App Store, you'd probably get one to five entries about games.
Apple recognizes the huge potential of games, having carved out a considerable profit out of the 30 billion dollar worldwide revenue of mobile gaming. And it doesn't end there. The new Apple TV will also try to entice casual gamers incorporating motion sensors into its remote control that would function well with racing games, for example.
This brilliant move to stir away from hardcore gaming that challenges the console kings, Playstation and Xbox, is both innovative and possibly face-saving. A lot of companies have tried to break through that particular market and failed. The Apple TV is also rumored to be the future hub of the company's own cable subscription, making it an all-in-one home entertainment system. Apple was not the first to try and combine casual gaming with a TV subsciption, seeing as how Comcast started a test phase with Electronic Arts to stream casual games more than a year ago.
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