On Wednesday, Oct. 24, Flipboard launched an update to its Android app, which will enable Android smartphone users to get audio support. The app will also enable users to connect their SoundCloud account so that audio can be shared with others.
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Here's a look at the top 3 must have apps for smartphone that will assist users in their travels.
Only a few days are left before the curtain raiser of Apple's Oct. 23 event, and latest rumors indicate that iBooks 3.0 will be a part of the purported iPad Mini launch.
Findings from ABI Research reveal that iOS app file sizes are increasing, growing up to 42 percent over six months from March 2012 to Sept. 2012. Higher-end hardware is outpacing developers.
Coffee lovers in the UK and Canada can now use their iPhone's Passbook app to pay for their Starbucks coffee. Previously, this function was only available to Starbucks' U.S. customers only.
Xbox Music is great, but the service is flawed in ways that shouldn't have existed. If you have a Windows Phone 7 handset or a Windows 7 PC, know one thing - Microsoft doesn't love you. Want the company to have serious feelings for you? Upgrade, simple.
Microsoft's announcement of Xbox Music coincided with the release of the latest Xbox Live dashboard update, releasing Oct. 16. SmartGlass will arrive alongside Windows 8, which releases Oct. 26.
If sending smells through iPhones is a much requested feature, then users are in luck with a new app providing the functionality via an accessory.
Google Maps for iOS is in development. However, despite Google remaining coy on a release date, alleged photos of the app suggest that the launch is approaching.
Microsoft recently announced that Xbox Music, its new "all-in-one music service" that enables users to listen to on the go and on any device they want, is included in a rolling update to Xbox LIVE. The update will be pushed out on Tuesday, Oct. 16, and will be expanded post the Windows 8 launch, which is scheduled for later this month.
Apple customers visiting the Apple Store will soon be able to pay for the purchases in-store using the latest Passbook feature of iOS 6.
The Mac OS X App Store brought a dedicated area for iOS apps to be downloaded on the desktop. But why are review times increasing?
Windows 8 will not allow software, including video games, to be available in its Windows Store if it is rated over Mature. The news came after blog Kotaku clarified the policy with Microsoft; however, the Redmond-based company quickly explained the issue for incorrect reports.